Please make sure your Kindergartner, 11 year old, and/or 16 year old is up to date on their immunizations for school.

Big news Heber Springs High School and Middle School parents! Your student has the opportunity to travel to London, Paris and the Alps in Summer 2023. If you want more information, please join the info session by RSVP’ing to the link below.
https://bit.ly/3IjO72G “

REMINDER! The High School PTSO merchandise sale ends this Thursday night. Click on the link to shop and support our school.

7th Grade and Jr. High Football will not practice on Monday, June 13th, due to Professional Development for the Coaching Staff.

Information regarding Summer School at Heber Springs High School:
May 31-June 10
June 20-June 29
Morning Session 7:30-11:30
Lunch 11:30-12:00
Afternoon Session 12:00-4:00
For more information please contact the High School at 501-362-3141

We are still short chromebooks and chargers from our High School students. Please get those in to the High School today or tomorrow.

All chromebooks and chargers must be turned in during English class tomorrow. Concurrent and virtual students will turn their items in to Mrs. Shumate.

Due to the threat of a rainout…Brookland has asked to move Thursday’s soccer games to Wednesday. We unsure at this time if the start time will be 4pm or 5pm. As soon as we have a confirmed time we will update everyone.

We are winding down the school year with activities galore…

High School Parent Auxiliary - come out and join us!

Arkansas Food Bank food boxes will be distributed today at Heber Springs Middle School from 4:00-5:30

Due to weather conditions the Jr High Conf track meet today is postponed until tomorrow (Thursday 4/20/22).

April 19th and 20th will be the ACT Aspire for ALL 9th and 10th grade students. (including remote 9th and 10th graders)
Please make sure you are at school on time and that your Chromebook is fully charged.
Here is the plan for ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS on these two days:
APRIL 19- All Juniors will go to ASU Beebe for a campus tour and preview of the ASU programs. Juniors will need to be at school by 8am. The bus will leave at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided by ASU Beebe. The bus will return to HSHS by 2:30. There will be no classes for Juniors at the ASU main campus or the Latimer Center - (welding & med pro). THIS IS AN ATTENDANCE DAY.
APRIL 20- Juniors will need to be at school by 8am. All Juniors will go to the PAC at 10:00 for the "Get Real - Here's the Deal" Financial Workshop. Lunch will be at 11:00 in Cafeteria and the second half of the workshop will begin at 11:30. THIS IS AN ATTENDANCE DAY.
SENIORS - Have the option of being Virtual on both days.

This is a reminder…according to the school calendar, NO SCHOOL tomorrow, April 15th.

April 19th and 20th will be the ACT Aspire for ALL 9th and 10th grade students. (including remote 9th and 10th graders)
Please make sure you are at school on time and that your Chromebook is fully charged.
Here is the plan for ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS on these two days:
APRIL 19- All Juniors will go to ASU Beebe for campus tour and preview of the ASU programs. Juniors will need to be at school by 8am. The bus will leave at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided by ASU Beebe. The bus will return to HSHS by 2:30. There will be no classes for Juniors at the ASU main campus or the Latimer Center - (welding & med pro).
APRIL 20- Juniors will need to be at school by 8am. All Juniors will go to the PAC at 10:00 for the "Get Real - Here's the Deal" Financial Workshop. Lunch will be at 11:00 in Cafeteria and the second half of the workshop will begin at 11:30.
SENIORS - Have the option of being Virtual on both days.

The Heber Springs High School Senior Class, and their parents, are excited to host the 2022 Jr & Sr Prom on Saturday, April 23rd. Prom will take place at The Wedding Barn in Pangburn and will be held from 8:00PM-11:30PM. Senior Walk will be at 8:15PM. Tickets can be purchased April 18-22 in the High School Office and will be $25 per person. For more information, please contact a Senior Class Officer.

Today’s Jr. High Meet at Quitman has been canceled.

Todays Panther Baseball game at Clarksville has been postponed to Friday, April 15th with a 4:30pm start time.
Friday’s game vs Subiaco will be rescheduled for next week and we will update you as soon as possible.

Softball game scheduled for today and Friday have been canceled

Today’s baseball game vs Atkins has been canceled.