Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!!!

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!!

February Lunch Menu

Our STAR Award winner this week is Mrs. Norton!! She is a great mentor and friend to her colleagues.

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers!!

Our STAR Award winners this week are Mrs. Eddington and Mrs. Herring!!! They work tirelessly to turn tears into smiles and we are so grateful!

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!!

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!!!

Our STAR Award winners are Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Vowels! We appreciate the countless hours they spend preparing for our Christmas Program.

These sweet girls organized a "Presents for Paws" campaign and collected donations from students and staff for our local humane society.

Our students practicing this morning. Please come watch them on Wednesday at 1:15 in the new gym!

Our students practicing this morning. Please come watch them on Wednesday at 1:15 in the new gym!

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!

Community Events

Our STAR award winner, Mrs. Welch!!

"Paws"-itive Panthers for the week of November 9-13.

This week's "Paws"-itive Panthers!!!

Our "Paws"-itive Panthers for the week!!

Reminder HIPPY Group Meeting is tonight in the Elementary Library at 5:00p.m.

Attention: The road between the high school and football field will be CLOSED on Monday, November 2. ALL students need to be dropped off and picked up at the circle drive.